
“The Ominous Origin of Rhinosferatu is a four page ”silent film’ story. It appears in Historyonics published by Cloudscape Comics. It was written and drawn by Toren Atkinson. All four pages are provided below

“Go-Rilla in ‘Mid-Afternoon of the Living Dead'” is a one page story that appears in Funday Sunnies, published by Cloudscape Comics in 2009. It also appeared on the online comic site (no longer available). It features Go-Rilla and Elk Diablo. It was written and drawn by Toren.

“Eye Eye Eye!” is a nine page story written by Ian Boothby, drawn by Toren Atkinson, coloured by Tanya Lehoux and lettered by Christopher Barrett. It was published in Cloudscape Comics Mega-Fauna anthology in October 2014. It features Awesome Possum, Octopussycat, Hypnopotamus, Chinchiller, Doctor Gnucleus, Go-Rilla, Woolly Marmot, Go-Rilla, Enormouse, and the Battle Cattle.

It is published in full below:

“Eye Eye Eye” page 1
“Eye Eye Eye” page 2
“Eye Eye Eye” page 3
“Eye Eye Eye” page 4
“Eye Eye Eye” page 5
“Eye Eye Eye” page 6
“Eye Eye Eye” page 7
“Eye Eye Eye” page 8
“Eye Eye Eye” page 9

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